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Nieuwe website onderhoud vrijwilliger Vandaag vrijdag 28 mei 2021 heeft stichting RHIZA SURINAME een nieuwe vrijwilliger erbij! Dhr. Hardy Soerel zal vanaf vandaag het website onderhoud op zich nemen. Wij zijn hier heel blij mee omdat we nu weer een fijne ‘up-to-date’ website zullen hebben! We verwelkomen dhr. Soerel in [...]


The students and teachers of the S.O. Mon Tresor School founded by RHIZA SURINAME are pleased with and thankful for the bottled water sponsored by ZENOBIA BOTTLING COMPANY N.V. ZENOBIA has pledged to sponsor water to our school starting this October for the coming school year. The board of RHIZA [...]

Official opening of S.O Mon Tresor Special education School

On The 14th of October 2016 The 1st Special Education school building in Commewijne was opened by RHIZA SURINAME. We are grateful for all the hard work of volunteers and the Kansfonds subsidy of 74500 Euro as well as other donations for this project enabling us to establish this fantastic result. Hurricane [...]


The heart of our mission is to help lead children with learning disabilities and or behavioral issues into a successful and bright future. We believe that by changing the way we help those children in need, we can make a difference that lasts a lifetime. Often those children in need are left behind, lagging and failing, or treated as special ‘others.’ But we believe that it’s important to help children in their local familiar environment instead of somewhere else. Supporting their needs and raising them in their local communities so they can be an example of hope to their communities.

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Back in 2009, the chairman of RHIZA SURINAME joined as volunteer in the social/behavioral health care system. She joined ‘Project SIR’ (Steuntje in de Rug) for school children in the district of Commewijne. SIR was an initiative of SUCET (Suriname Center for Education and Training) and was financed by SKN (Stichting Kinderpostzegel Nederland). This volunteer-work left a mark on her soul. She experienced firsthand the reality that children with learning disabilities were promoted in school to the next class even while their knowledge was not sufficient.


Together we can make a difference

No matter who you are, you can do something to partner with us as we provide spiritual inspiration, mentoring, and resources to children in need.